The Good Question Podcast

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What are the latest innovations in autoimmune care and precision medicine, and how does this change how chronic conditions like Lupus are treated? Dr. Nicholas Young joins the Good Question Podcast to discuss his groundbreaking, targeted approach to disease treatment and prevention – offering a ray of hope to those affected by autoimmune conditions…

Dr. Young, an expert at the forefront of immunology, is the founder of More than Moore’s Precision Medicine Solutions (MtM). MtM’s mission statement is simple yet profound: “To facilitate the research needed to expand the use and implementation of individualized/precision medicine to improve patient outcomes.” 

Drawing from years of experience in the clinical application of results, Dr. Young and his team provide others with comprehensive access to the latest data and advanced analytics in an effort to revolutionize the healthcare system. Want to learn more about how they work towards this goal? Hit play to join the discussion!

In this episode, we dive into: 

  • What makes illnesses like Lupus so difficult to treat. 
  • How the human body reacts to autoimmune conditions. 
  • Lifestyle changes that can help reduce the impact of Lupus. 
  • How clinically approved testing informs therapeutic decision-making. 

For more insights and updates on Dr. Young and his work with MtM, follow along here.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: