The Good Question Podcast

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As holistic healthcare evolves, the cracks within the conventional medical system continue to grow. Now, many professionals recognize the value of customized treatment plans centered around the root cause of diseases – and Dr. Emily Rowe is at the forefront of this movement…

Dr. Rowe is the co-owner of Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center alongside her husband, Christopher M. Estes, MD. Here, she provides comprehensive and definitive care to patients from all walks of life. She employs a variety of treatment methods, including physiological detoxification strategies, eradication of stealth infections, meditation, hypnotherapy, medical astrological analysis, and more. 

From hormone imbalances to gut health, Dr. Rowe aims to treat complex chronic medical issues holistically. What makes her approach so unique? Join us now and learn more! 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How environmental contaminants are intertwined with complex chronic medical problems.
  • The ways that acupuncture can be used for cancer treatment.
  • The importance of obtaining homeostasis within the body.
  • How to care for your gut health the right way.

Want to learn more about Dr. Rowe and her work with Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center? You can visit their website here!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: